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Meet the Maker

When I started my whisky journey, I soon realised that I had developed an insatiable appetite to learn, to explore and just to dream all things single malt whisky. As I defined myself further as a craft worker, I developed a mantra that really sums it up for me:

“I am a Craft Worker therefore I am …”

Simply it means, what I do is a craft, its physical sensory work and it gives me happiness. It fits beautifully with my personal philosophy of, in life you need to have a passion and a purpose to be happy.

Craft Works single malt whisky drinkers are people who are interested in the story of a craft artisan spirit, people who appreciate the art, the craft and the exploration of what you can create as a small producer.

I am proud of the spirit I produce, I am proud of the connections I have made and I am proud that I have become affectionately known as Crafty.

– – Crafty
  • Licence number:
  • Licence name:
    Craft Works
  • Distillery Licence type:
    Liquor – producer wholesaler licence.
  • Terms & Legals
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Website Design & Development by Local Nerd Sydney